Seafarers Centre
QVSR Felixstowe
A safe haven a good anchorage
First Bus
last Bus
Sailing Schedule
Felixstowe tide
Important numbers for Seafarers
Transport from ship to shore
07968306381 (1000 - 2200)
Internal (Gangway) 3502
Here at the QVSR - Felixstowe we endeavour to give Seafarers respite from some of the hardships they endure whilst at sea.
We look forward to welcoming our Seafaring friends here at QVSR - Felixstowe.
The Queen Victoria Seaman`s Rest at Felixstowe is one of many organisations including the Port of Felixstowe that looks out for the well-being of Seafarers. QVSR - Felixstowe offers the simplest of support which is usually just a break from the ship routine right through to full on support which may involve spiritual, ship mediation or help to contact home.
security & transport
security & transport
Fire Service and Ambulance Service.
Transport from ship to shore provided by FHPSS seafarer centre.
This transport should be called first between 1000 - 2200 the Port of Felixstowe transport should be called out of hours or if the Seafarers centre unavailable.
Transport from ship to shore provided by Port Police and security.
This transport should be called only if seafarers centre closed,
unavailable or out of hours 2200 - 1000.
Dock Tower ship to shore.
The Dock Tower can help with all port communications.
VHF ch. 74
01394 604724